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One-way Ticket
(Local Transport)
Monthly Pass
(Regular Price)
(1 liter)
Leuven, Belgium2.7242.93-1.87
Cologne, Germany3.4853.21-1.87
Basel, Switzerland4.1794.42-2.04
Dortmund, Germany3.3753.21-1.91
Bern, Switzerland3.2986.74-2.02
Dresden, Germany3.2663.53-1.95
Frankfurt, Germany3.6953.21-1.91
Geneva, Switzerland3.2976.86-2.14
Hamburg, Germany3.6753.21-1.93
Lausanne, Switzerland4.0685.64-2.15
Hanover, Germany3.4853.21-1.91
Karlsruhe, Germany3.3753.21-1.92
Heidelberg, Germany3.2653.21-1.90
Luxembourg, Luxembourg0.000.00-1.63
Leipzig, Germany3.4853.21-1.91
Graz, Austria3.2666.03-1.72
Lyon, France2.1775.37-1.98
Amsterdam, Netherlands3.6988.57-2.16
Zurich, Switzerland4.8395.52-2.05
Munich, Germany4.0253.21-1.98
Nuremberg, Germany3.5653.21-1.94
The Hague (Den Haag), Netherlands4.3459.73-2.09
Linz, Austria2.8258.64-1.76
Paris, France2.3392.31-2.06
Antwerp, Belgium2.7165.16-1.90
Eindhoven, Netherlands4.3482.53-2.06
Salzburg, Austria2.6164.62-1.82
Groningen, Netherlands2.7165.16-2.08
Brussels, Belgium2.7153.21-1.90
Vienna, Austria2.6151.58-1.77
Rotterdam, Netherlands4.3471.67-2.06
Gent, Belgium2.7154.30-1.87
Utrecht, Netherlands3.0464.07-2.08
Berlin, Germany3.8053.21-1.96
Stuttgart, Germany3.2153.25-1.89
Dusseldorf, Germany3.3753.21-1.89

Last Update: May 21, 2024 09:43 AM, CDT
Data Source: Numbeo contributors and official sources
Based on data collected within the last 12 months.

Chart: One-way Ticket (Local Transport), Transportation
Chart: Monthly Pass (Regular Price), Transportation
Chart: Gasoline (1 liter), Transportation