Quality of Life in Edmonton, Canada

Purchasing Power Index 127.15   Very High
Safety Index 53.45   Moderate
Health Care Index 77.20   High
Climate Index 32.11   Moderate
Cost of Living Index 58.64   Low
Property Price to Income Ratio 4.47   Very Low
Traffic Commute Time Index 28.22   Low
Pollution Index 28.73   Low
ƒ Quality of Life Index: 175.57   Very High

Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 129

Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 416

Last update: February 2025

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3 Comments so far
Lori Burke on Oct 18, 2023:
Edmonton has a beautiful river valley. It is called a ribbon of green. It is prairie city, meaning the land around our valley is flat, with a lot of farms. Politically it , is very people centric. We care about one another here. It is called Festival City. The Arts scene in Edmonton is vibrant with many theatrical companies and the third largest Fringe theatre festival in the world.
There are excellent public schools and universities with excellent reputations here. Our sports teams are also excellent, providing entertainment for us during our four seasons. Winter is a little longer than some places in the world, but if you like hockey, curling, skiing and other winter sports, Edmonton is top notch.
Vikfee on Sep 28, 2022:
Can`t compare with Europe and it`s cities. Given the winter, the location wasn`t meant to be inhabited by humans. It`s quite ugly city, probably a reason why we don`t even have tourists here. I have had European friends coming over for a visit, and they felt sorry for me after I took them to downtown. That says it all
Anonymous 2 on Oct 23, 2020:
Agree with the July 10, 2020 comment. While the city has positives, there are quite a number of negatives people must know. Architecture and design, particularly as you approach downtown from all sides, is bland. Government constantly talks about environmental protections, acts little on the issue. Rather than wasting money on pointless art (Talus Dome/giant silver balls, for example), ban the sale of new fossil fuel vehicles by 2025 (the city is growing, so now's a good time), offer benefits to EV owners, and transition the entire bus fleet to battery electric FASTER. Moreover, why aren't all schools and municipal buildings covered with solar panels? Use district heating (like in Denmark). Environmental issues aside, the train system (LRT) is dysfunctional. It operates at grade, meaning it slows down traffic and pedestrians, increasing pollution. The train is NOT automated and has to operate slower for safety reasons. The city complains about money but is wasting it on building a dysfunctional transit system. SkyTrain is much better (faster and more efficient). Vancouver did it decades ago, Edmonton can do it now, so no excuses.