Quality of Life in Calgary, Canada

Purchasing Power Index 122.42   Very High
Safety Index 61.44   High
Health Care Index 73.50   High
Climate Index 33.09   Moderate
Cost of Living Index 61.43   Moderate
Property Price to Income Ratio 5.00   Low
Traffic Commute Time Index 29.13   Low
Pollution Index 23.95   Low
ƒ Quality of Life Index: 178.44   Very High

Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 169

Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 495

Last update: February 2025

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6 Comments so far
Caspar Pfenninger on May 18, 2024:
The Alberta government is common sense (Right Wing) oriented. We reject the New World Order of the global elites.
Anonymous on Mar 22, 2024:
That Sep 11, 2023 comment is the portrait of a mediocre person itself.
If your country is facing problems, don't blame immigrants, it's not their fault that you guys can't be skilled enough to fill the job opportunities given by Canada. Grow up.
Edward O. on Dec 29, 2023:
Calgary is not too bad, compared to other Canadian cities. Alberta is still the best state when you take everything into account.
Krista on Dec 20, 2023:
Calgary is a total gongshow. Seriously do not come to Canada it is become less and less safe by the day.
Anonymous on Sep 11, 2023:
Abysmal standards of living with mediocre people all around. I can tell you with my short stint there- people who failed to get a US Green card or were not good enough to earn well in their home countries ended up staying here and increasing the rents. Thanks to the liberal citizenship policy of the Canadian government, they are also littering the once-clean Calgary and increasing the crime rates. Stabbings have become common, the city are not as clean as the European cities and the salaries are not as high as select cities in the US.
CB on Feb 08, 2022:
The cost of properties is very high compared to salaries. The cost og living in Calgary is very high and a high number of residents are struggling.