Health Care in Toronto, Canada

Component of health care surveyedSatisfaction %
Skill and competency of medical staff
74.11 High
Speed in completing examinations and reports
63.07 High
Equipment for modern diagnosis and treatment
83.38 Very High
Accuracy and completeness in filling out reports
76.76 High
Friendliness and courtesy of the staff
74.65 High
Satisfaction with responsiveness (waitings) in medical institutions
47.75 Moderate
Satisfaction with cost to you
83.52 Very High
Convenience of location for you
81.25 Very High

Contributors: 508

Last update: September 2024

These data are based on perceptions of visitors of this website in the past 5 years.

If the value is 0, it means it is perceived as very low, and if the value is 100, it means it is perceived as very high.

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1 Comments so far
Anonymous on Mar 03, 2023:
You have to wait years on a list just to get in line for a family doctor.

You have to wait almost an entire day for emergency or after-hour clinic care in the Toronto hospitals.

The healthcare system is falling apart. I saw an entire hallway of people on stretchers awaiting treatment. I spoke to a Paramedic who just replied that he didn't have to wait this long to bring in a patient when he first started a few decades ago.

But remember that the government wants to bring in more people, exacerbating the healthcare crisis.