Quality of Life in Shenzhen, China

Purchasing Power Index 117.76   Very High
Safety Index 74.73   High
Health Care Index 63.32   High
Climate Index 81.80   Very High
Cost of Living Index 36.51   Very Low
Property Price to Income Ratio 27.27   Very High
Traffic Commute Time Index 34.35   Low
Pollution Index 56.26   Moderate
ƒ Quality of Life Index: 151.46   High

Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 41

Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 163

Last update: February 2025

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2 Comments so far
Salvin on May 16, 2024:
In Shenzhen, daily necessities and meals are pricier than in other places. Air quality is generally good, though spring is humid and summer is sultry. It's a safe city where one can venture out at midnight without worry. However, traffic congestion is common during rush hours. Housing prices are exorbitant, making property ownership unattainable for most.
J.J. on Jun 17, 2021:
The price comparison is a bit limp. Here in Shenzhen (China) you wouldn't buy the branded clothes, shoes and cars mentioned, because they are either made her and sold under other brands, or the local brands are better. We can buy an electric car here for RMB 45000 = about 8000 USD. A pair of Levi's will set you back 1200 RMB, but the same quality of the local brand is 400 RMB.

You can buy Nike at 1600 RMB, but Anta has the same shoe for less than 600... You can spend 16000 on a 85 sqm apartment in one compound, or go across the street to another compound and spend 14000 for a 190 sqm apartment - but that's the price you pay when you have a Chinese friend negotiating for you. As to a single person: a 35 sqm apartment can cost 8500 a month, or 2500 a month, depending on the compound.