Crime in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Crime rates in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Level of crime
88.2 Very High
Crime increasing in the past 5 years
77.78 High
Worries home broken and things stolen
55.58 Moderate
Worries being mugged or robbed
84.45 Very High
Worries car stolen
75.44 High
Worries things from car stolen
74.05 High
Worries attacked
67.74 High
Worries being insulted
54.38 Moderate
Worries being subject to a physical attack because of your skin color, ethnic origin, gender or religion
39.52 Low
Problem people using or dealing drugs
80.91 Very High
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft
78.74 High
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery
87.89 Very High
Problem corruption and bribery
89.94 Very High

Safety in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Safety walking alone during daylight
35.49 Low
Safety walking alone during night
14.85 Very Low

Contributors: 812

Last update: October 2024

These data are based on perceptions of visitors of this website in the past 5 years.

If the value is 0, it means it is perceived as very low, and if the value is 100, it means it is perceived as very high.

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11 Comments so far
Anonymous on Jun 30, 2024:
And I also recognize the absence of Mexican cities in the below ranking. Worse than those in Brazil, but not top 25.

You have to ask what kind of lunatic thinks inoffensive Brazilian cities take up over 1/4 of the 'world's most violent cities' list. They're obviously lying.

There are at least two of these strange NGO's based in Rio who want their country/cities to be top of the lists.
Anonymous on May 11, 2024:
25 most homicidal cities in 2023 (all 256+/100k)-

1. Bangui CAR | 2. Benghazi LBY | 3. Bobo-Dioulasso BFA | 4. Bukavu DRC | 5. Bunia DRC | 6. Ciudad Bolivar VEN | 7. Ciudad Guayana VEN | 8. Cumana VEN | 9. Garoua CMR | 10. Goma DRC | 11. Herat AFG | 12. Kabul AFG | 13. Kandahar AFG | 14. Khartoum SDN | 15. Kismayo SOM | 16. Maracaibo VEN | 17. Mazar-e Sharif AFG | 18. Merca SOM | 19. Misratah LBY | 20. Mogadishu SOM | 21. Nyala SDN | 22. Port-au-Prince HTI | 23. San Cristóbal VEN | 24. Tripoli LBY | 25. Uvira DRC

1. Sub-Saharan Africa 10
2. Latin America & the Caribbean 6
3. Middle East and North Africa 5
4. South Asia 4

Well done Brazil and Rio.

Cheers for the info Del
Bill on Aug 15, 2023:
My order is slightly different.

Most homicides 2022 (credible)

1. India
2. China
3. Nigeria
4. Democratic Republic of the Congo
5. Pakistan

Highest homicide rates 2022 (credible)

1. Somalia
2. Afghanistan
3. Libya
4. South Sudan
5. Central African Republic

*Excludes killings attributed to social unrest, terrorism and war
Anonymous on Jun 03, 2022:
It's as overrated as the country is for violence, has relatively accurate data and gets discriminated for it by cranks pretending not to see the problem.

For instance, here's a list of countries with more absolute murders than Brazil:

1. Pakistan
2. Nigeria
3. India
4. Democratic Republic of the Congo
5. Bangladesh
Aaron on May 10, 2022:
To "Anonymous on Sep 21, 2021"

I live in Rio and I've lived in Nairobi which is recognized by experts as the more violent city and that was certainly my experience. Rio's tranquil in comparison.

Not surprisingly, Nairobi is among the 100 most violent cities in the world which you can't say for Brazilian cities. It's that bad, you need to be a very violent city to get in the top 100.
Local on Jan 01, 2022:
I'll try to clarify some aspects since most comments on this section lacks objectivity and doesn't really add up on the matter.

First and most important is there are areas safer than others. Wealthier parts of the city (south mostly) are safer but it doesn't rule out armed robbery risks. Carrying cigarretes or little ammounts of money will never avoid armed robbery as stated below. Offering cigarretes (or anything) while being robbed is not wise. Don't do that.

It's not the most dangerous place in earth as some say either, but it can be pretty dangerous if you're in the wrong place at the wrong time. and that's serious. You can get shot or worse.

Do not travel without local guides. They know how to avoid bad situations. Besides, they know a lot of nice places worth visiting.
Scott on Dec 25, 2021:
Rio can be a safe city as long as u stay away from favelas, poor areas, etc
Erick on Dec 17, 2021:
I have been in Rio dozen of times in the last 10 years for short and long stays (up to 2 months) and I do not share the horrific descriptions listed below. Sounds a bit like hyper inflating issues to me.

I stayed in the center as well as in Copacabana and Ipanema. I walked a lot through the city (from the center to Lapa, Flamengo, Botafogo, Copacabana or Ipanema) and never ever faced an issue. When in Rio I use the public transportation (metro, buses). Not a single issue.
Yes locals warned me. Many times. I simply keep a low profile. I blend in as much as possible. Can it be that I was so lucky all these years? statistically highly improbable.

Read the comments from Finn below (Finn on Aug 03, 2018). I share the same feelings resp. experience.
I read that over 6 millions foreigners visit Brazil each year. First destination is Rio with almost 3 millions. Pre pandemic figures yes but still.

So yes crime is present but not omnipresent and common sense resp. usual precautions should keep you safe.
This page provide sensible advice:

But no Rio is not part of the best cities in the world in my eyes. The landscape is absolutely wonderful but the city itself not though it is very interesting. Adding to that the social inequalities and the pollution to name a few issues... but it is certainly well worth a visit while you are in Brazil. As Finn I prefer July or August. Not too humid, more stable weather conditions and less tourists :D
Anonymous on Sep 21, 2021:
Rio isn't overly violent by world standards. It isn't Mogadishu or Port-au-Prince folks. Hell, it isn't Lagos or Nairobi either. Many of the Brazilian peacekeepers who served as police in Rio were horrified and scarred by the violence levels in Port-a-Prince, it is a much more violent city than Rio and other Brazilian cities.

Peeps get funny ideas about Rio, it's really overstated.
Anonymous on Jan 24, 2021:
What more can be said?

Exceptionally dangerous, wherever you are.

Yes it may have some nice postcard views, but are they worth your life?
Gene on Oct 11, 2020:
Have been to Niteroi, RJ, Itaipu, São Pedro, Búzios, Cabo Frio Araruama and Marica. I married an incredible lady from Brazil and go 3-4 times per year. There are so many things I love about Brazil. Make no mistake, if you are in the wrong areas or the right areas at the wrong time it can be extremely dangerous. I would never want to be there without my wife, she knows where we should be, when we should be there, when I can use my phone and when I need to shut up and not speak (gringo alert).

That said we are buying our house in Marica and will raise our two sons there.

Yes it can be dangerous.Seems what I have learned is if you do not know someone, do not trust them, watch what you say and when you speak. Constantly be aware of your surroundings. We are visitors in a foreign country. No different than if you venture to one of the US inner city areas. For te most part, it is an awesome place, I love it and the people.