Prices by City

One-way Ticket
(Local Transport)
Monthly Pass
(Regular Price)
(1 liter)
Kolkata, India0.183.00-1.26
Ahmedabad, India0.308.40-1.20
Islamabad, Pakistan0.185.39-1.02
Colombo, Sri Lanka0.176.34-1.26
Karachi, Pakistan0.2210.77-1.07
Mumbai, India0.243.72-1.27
Bangalore, India0.6018.00-1.24
Lahore, Pakistan0.185.39-1.02
Chennai, India0.3612.00-1.25
Delhi, India0.6012.00-1.19
Pune, India0.4812.00-1.28
Dhaka, Bangladesh0.4318.55-1.10
Kathmandu, Nepal0.229.00-1.32
Hyderabad, India0.6015.00-1.31
Tehran, Iran0.3015.00-0.77

Last Update: May 21, 2024 05:30 PM, CDT
Data Source: Numbeo contributors and official sources
Based on data collected within the last 12 months.

Chart: One-way Ticket (Local Transport), Transportation
Chart: Monthly Pass (Regular Price), Transportation
Chart: Gasoline (1 liter), Transportation