We need more contributors for Pokhara to increase our data quality.
Also, consider looking into aggregate data we have for Quality of Life in Nepal
Purchasing Power Index | 24.45 | Very Low |
Safety Index | 71.78 | High |
Health Care Index | 74.60 | High |
Climate Index | 89.71 | Very High |
Cost of Living Index | 25.20 | Very Low |
Property Price to Income Ratio | 33.70 | Very High |
Traffic Commute Time Index | 6.45 | Very Low |
Pollution Index | 45.69 | Moderate |
Quality of Life Index: | 135.51 | Moderate |
Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 3
Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 25
Last update: January 2025
Quality of Life in Waling | 43.03 miles |
Quality of Life in Kirtipur | 127.07 miles |
Quality of Life in Kathmandu | 129.30 miles |
Quality of Life in Lalitpur (Patan) | 130.35 miles |
Quality of Life in Hetauda | 131.17 miles |
Quality of Life in Bhaktapur | 136.06 miles |
Quality of Life in Banepa | 143.47 miles |
Quality of Life in Butwal | 154.57 miles |
Quality of Life in Janakpurdham (Janakpur) | 230.87 miles |
Quality of Life in Siraha | 241.22 miles |