Purchasing Power Index | 127.55 | Very High |
Safety Index | 32.69 | Low |
Health Care Index | 61.91 | High |
Climate Index | 86.50 | Very High |
Cost of Living Index | 71.13 | Moderate |
Property Price to Income Ratio | 3.05 | Very Low |
Traffic Commute Time Index | 28.50 | Low |
Pollution Index | 51.99 | Moderate |
Quality of Life Index: | 161.90 | Very High |
Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 25
Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 132
Last update: January 2025
Quality of Life in Baton Rouge, Louisiana | 81.99 miles |
Quality of Life in Hattiesburg, Mississippi | 111.02 miles |
Quality of Life in Mobile, Alabama | 142.91 miles |
Quality of Life in Jackson, Mississippi | 186.84 miles |
DeutschLebensqualität in New Orleans |
PortuguêsQualidade de Vida em Nova Orleães |
ItalianoQualità della Vita a New Orleans |
FrançaisQualité de Vie à La Nouvelle-Orléans |
EspañolCalidad de Vida en Nueva Orleans |