Purchasing Power Index | 34.61 | Very Low |
Safety Index | 40.30 | Moderate |
Health Care Index | 62.84 | High |
Climate Index | 99.79 | Very High |
Cost of Living Index | 30.48 | Very Low |
Property Price to Income Ratio | 17.18 | Very High |
Traffic Commute Time Index | 52.65 | High |
Pollution Index | 79.76 | High |
Quality of Life Index: | 92.67 | Very Low |
Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 65
Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 211
Last update: January 2025
Quality of Life in Ruiru | 15.01 miles |
Quality of Life in Thika | 28.22 miles |
Quality of Life in Machakos | 50.62 miles |
Quality of Life in Naivasha | 55.19 miles |
Quality of Life in Narok | 88.00 miles |
Quality of Life in Nakuru | 98.21 miles |
Quality of Life in Nyahururu | 113.88 miles |
Quality of Life in Rongai | 114.59 miles |
Quality of Life in Meru | 140.06 miles |
Quality of Life in Kericho | 163.26 miles |
DeutschLebensqualität in Nairobi |
PortuguêsQualidade de Vida em Nairóbi |
ItalianoQualità della Vita a Nairobi |
FrançaisQualité de Vie à Nairobi |
EspañolCalidad de Vida en Nairobi |