Quality of Life in Medellin, Colombia

Purchasing Power Index 37.39   Very Low
Safety Index 46.70   Moderate
Health Care Index 78.66   High
Climate Index 99.76   Very High
Cost of Living Index 30.35   Very Low
Property Price to Income Ratio 18.15   Very High
Traffic Commute Time Index 38.70   Moderate
Pollution Index 63.01   High
ƒ Quality of Life Index: 120.49   Moderate

Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 50

Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 232

Last update: February 2025

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4 Comments so far
Joyce Ezrow on Jan 06, 2025:
I moved to Medellin in 2017. The city of eternal spring delivers perfect weather. We are at the same altitude as Denver but being close to the equator means more temperate climate. The temperatures range from 65-80 most of the year so no need for heat or air conditioning. The air pollution is bad down in the valley but no problem if you move higher up the mountain. Traffic is getting worse every year as more people buy cars and motos. Public transit by the Metro from one end of the valley to the other is about 40 minutes versus over 2 hours by car. Metro buses go into most neighborhoods so an integrated bus/Metro ride is still less than $1.
The benefits to your health of eating fresh fruits and vegetables that were in the field yesterday is great.
Comparing Medellin to my previous residence near Baltimore is a very stark comparison. There is crime here, but mostly robberies of your cell phone or money- not violent crimes with weapons. We have no mass shootings in public places here.
Scott Miami on Oct 22, 2023:
Hello, First of all, it is great to have data on so many cities. However, I wonder if the "Quality of Life" index could be improved. The "Cost of Living Index" is lower if the costs are lower - but the Quality Index is meant to show "better" as higher component indices. So, a lower cost of living (in monetary terms), should have a HIGHER (better) CoL INDEX.

I know Miami, Medellin, and Tours well. In Miami, since 2020, housing in the newer and luxury market has virtually tripled. Even a single bedroom in a good neighborhood goes for as much as $1200 per month! Yet, those prices are translated into a "High Cost of Living Index" (which is worse than in Medellin or Tours on the pocket book), and erroneously gives Miami a higher overall Quality of Life.

As for "Crime", there is a qualitative difference in opportunistic theft, and assault. In Miami, there are a diproportionate number of gun-related crimes. Not only are there more guns than population in the US, but one can get military grade weapons easily. Serious crime tends to be in certain neighborhood (drug related), or, occasionally, by mass murder due to mentally unstable perpetrators using heavy arms - anywhere, anytime. In Medellin, violent crimes tend to be in the hllside favelas and also gang related, but crimes of opportunity towards tourists (a new phenomenon in Colombia) receive more press. I don't feel a sense of mortal threat in Medellin or Tours; I do in Miami.

Lastly, the "Commuting Time" may be skewed to a car based commuting, which is increasingly long around the world. However, both Medellin and Tours are compact enought, and public transport dense and affordable enough that the real commuting time for most urban dwellers in Medellin and Tours is much lower than in Miami.

All in all, the data of Numbeo are very useful if representative, but the Indices can be misleading.
Lilian Le Goff on Feb 28, 2023:
Medellin is a wonderful city, very attractive, they have perfect wether all year long, "the eternal spring" as they call it. People are friendly, you'll find all the famous brands in the world, it attracts lots of international investments. They trains (tubes, metro, railways) are quite modern with air conditioner even though is not needed, this is been true for years, taxis transit everywhere like in N.Y. This is true for pretty much all cities in Colombia, There's much to explore. EL Poblado is one of the nicest areas in Medellin.
Rob on Dec 01, 2021:
Quality of life index calculation would be improved with an income level input.