We need more contributors for Bishkek to increase our data quality.
Consider looking into aggregate data we have for Quality of Life in Kyrgyzstan
Purchasing Power Index | 36.99 | Very Low |
Safety Index | 46.13 | Moderate |
Health Care Index | 57.62 | Moderate |
Climate Index | 58.11 | Moderate |
Cost of Living Index | 26.48 | Very Low |
Property Price to Income Ratio | 13.88 | High |
Traffic Commute Time Index | 28.17 | Low |
Pollution Index | 74.22 | High |
Quality of Life Index: | 100.19 | Low |
Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 12
Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 98
Last update: January 2025
Quality of Life in Kyzyl-tuu | 16.64 miles |
Quality of Life in Tokmok | 45.93 miles |
Quality of Life in Cholpon-Ata | 161.21 miles |
Quality of Life in Toktogul | 174.15 miles |
Quality of Life in Talas | 185.80 miles |
Quality of Life in At Bashi | 248.26 miles |
DeutschLebensqualität in Bischkek |
PortuguêsQualidade de Vida em Bisqueque |
ItalianoQualità della Vita a Biskek |
FrançaisQualité de Vie à Bichkek |
EspañolCalidad de Vida en Biskek |
most of jobs are paid low but if you have connections you get better paid jobs.
If you get to work as a politician, most likely you will get bribes and will get reach.
Plus: good cheap food; good quality produce; people are most of the time friendly; taxi is extremely cheap; endless places to visit as a tourist
Minuses: quality of air; safety on roads; salaries; overall level of intelligence (people don't have political/economical knowledge/interest as they are mostly focused to satisfy basic needs).
I was raised in bishkek but lived in 4 different countries (USA, Europe, South Korea) and traveled across 40 countries and can provide this POV from my personal experience