Crime in Jakarta, Indonesia

Crime rates in Jakarta, Indonesia

Level of crime
53.7 Moderate
Crime increasing in the past 5 years
56.1 Moderate
Worries home broken and things stolen
47.3 Moderate
Worries being mugged or robbed
55.81 Moderate
Worries car stolen
44.67 Moderate
Worries things from car stolen
53.08 Moderate
Worries attacked
44.46 Moderate
Worries being insulted
45.99 Moderate
Worries being subject to a physical attack because of your skin color, ethnic origin, gender or religion
44.18 Moderate
Problem people using or dealing drugs
51.03 Moderate
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft
58.96 Moderate
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery
47.21 Moderate
Problem corruption and bribery
84.53 Very High

Safety in Jakarta, Indonesia

Safety walking alone during daylight
64.26 High
Safety walking alone during night
34.61 Low

Contributors: 412

Last update: September 2024

These data are based on perceptions of visitors of this website in the past 5 years.

If the value is 0, it means it is perceived as very low, and if the value is 100, it means it is perceived as very high.

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8 Comments so far
gemima on Oct 31, 2023:
this helped me to learn about jakarta thanks osama bin laden
Anonymous on Mar 10, 2023:
Sexual harassment is very common in Indonesia. Especially for kids and teenagers, one of the factors is because we're not educated enough about sexual educations. Sexual education is a taboo thing here. The victim is usually not gonna tell their family because they might think that their family aren't gonna take it seriously or the victim will be too ashamed to talk about it to someone else because they're afraid of being judged, but even if they did, sometimes they're not gonna help and they will just say "forgive and forget" because it's shameful to be a victim and it will ruin your reputation and your family's reputations. Later, everyone/society is gonna judge the victim for being unholy/touched before marriage even though its not what they want, based on my experienced.
Osama bin Laden on Jul 07, 2022:
Travel warning, danger, attention; Due to economic hardship and recession, terrorist activity has been increased, partly because protected by some politican and police. It may appear as street criminal or home invansion, but actually some were carefully planed and executed for political purpose
Anusbasedan on May 13, 2022:
Stick to shinny and crowded place where theres CCTV in every corner. Avoid blackhole area, avoid darkness of the night, do not walk alone, offcourse besides veryhot and poluted air, walking is still considered as invitation to crime. Get out this hell as quickly as possible if you can, before Its too late,
Anonymous on Aug 24, 2021:
Rape actually happens a lot in Indonesia, but most of the time victims refuse to disclose it in fear of being ostracized. They are scared of being called "damaged goods" and that they won't find husbands because they are "used" or "unholy".

It also is a very hush hush problem in Indonesia as often time the rapists are important people or family of the victim. There are very many instances where a woman is raped and gets pregnant, only for the rapist to volunteer as her husband so that she can avoid "adultery". The worst case is, most of the families involved agree to it for the sake of keeping their family name untarnished.

Many rapists also stay unpunished simply because of the usual case of victim shaming. They would say that she was using a skirt too short or a shirt too tight or even showing too much skin. They say that they cannot control their desires and that for the men to live peacefully without temptation, the women must cover up their skin.

I would say rape is a common thing here in Indonesia and its not very often talked about because victims are forced to stay quiet for them, their children's, and their families' sake. I only hope in the future, people who visit Indonesia not get too comfortable. Tables may turn in an instant and what you consider to be a friendly and welcoming crowd may do bad things to you. Simply because you are fair-skinned or that they think you are in a better situation than them.

For visitors who look caucasian ,street vendors will probably overcharge you ,especially for souvenirs.
Also about the homicide rate, its probably unreliable too. This is because Indonesia is so populous, the government has a hard time noticing when people have gone missing. In some cases records of most of the population are not accurate.

Basically if you want to commit crimes in Indonesia, all you have to do is have money. Hence why corruption and bribery is such a bad problem here. We are working on it though.
Destroyed Telephone on Apr 09, 2021:
Again, People are pamming this, Jakarta is 6x Safer Than Los Angeles
Vina on Jan 27, 2021:
If you stay in the boarding houses environment, some crime happens like motorcyle robbing, if you put your things awhile when you are washing handshake or going to toilet, it kinda risky too, but for Murder cases it's rare, but street robbing on Motorcycle are common since bikes are often used here, about rape it's not that much, more common rape case come from relatives, but some perverts are really making walking alone kinda unsafe..
Gear 7 on Dec 08, 2020:
I was doing my assessment and this helped a lot