Crime in Cali, Colombia

Crime rates in Cali, Colombia

Level of crime
84.63 Very High
Crime increasing in the past 3 years
75.82 High
Worries home broken and things stolen
60.66 High
Worries being mugged or robbed
82.32 Very High
Worries car stolen
69.26 High
Worries things from car stolen
73.17 High
Worries attacked
62.60 High
Worries being insulted
51.09 Moderate
Worries being subject to a physical attack because of your skin color, ethnic origin, gender or religion
26.09 Low
Problem people using or dealing drugs
76.52 High
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft
74.59 High
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery
84.71 Very High
Problem corruption and bribery
88.48 Very High

Safety in Cali, Colombia

Safety walking alone during daylight
41.87 Moderate
Safety walking alone during night
18.09 Very Low

Contributors: 124

Last update: March 2024

These data are based on perceptions of visitors of this website in the past 3 years.

If the value is 0, it means it is perceived as very low, and if the value is 100, it means it is perceived as very high.

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2 Comments so far
S458488 on Apr 20, 2024:
ESPAÑOL: La Ciudad de CALI, es practicamente la ciudad mas peligrosa de COLOMBIA, estando en la posicion 21 como lo dice NUMBEO
La inseguridad de CALI, es muy adaptable
Muchas ratas, roban, atracan, disparan, Extorsionan, Amenazan, Nos persiguen, Ladrones pordoquier
En fin un sin fin de peligros que rondan la ciudad. La gente no se siente segura caminando por la calle sea de dia o de noche, y no solo eso. Sino que tambien van a a robar a establecimientos, tiendas, locales, en fin, Cali parece ser un infierno y donde la delincuencia hace lo que se le da la gana y la policia, casi no aparece
Definitivamente Cali es una ciudad peligrosa. Y Los ladrones son un peligro pa la ciudad y pa la sociedad
SI alguno tiene pensado ir a CALI como turista, tenga mucho cuidado por donde se va a meterse o donde va a visitar
Algunos lugares, no son seguros
Les recomiendo viajar en grupo
Eviten visitar la zona oriente de CALI. La zona es demasiado Caliente. Precaucion y ante todo echarle ojo a cualquier cosa
Igual la ciudad tiene algo bueno para ofrecer

ENGLSH: The City of CALI is practically the most dangerous city in COLOMBIA, being in position 21 as NUMBEO says.
CALI's insecurity is very adaptable
Many rats, they steal, rob, shoot, extort, threaten, chase us, thieves everywhere
In short, endless dangers surround the city. People do not feel safe walking down the street, day or night, and not only that. But they also go to rob establishments, stores, venues, in short, Cali seems to be hell and where crime does whatever it wants and the police hardly appear.
Cali is definitely a dangerous city. And thieves are a danger to the city and society.
IF anyone plans to go to CALI as a tourist, be very careful where you are going or where you are going to visit.
Some places are not safe
I recommend traveling in a group.
Avoid visiting the eastern area of CALI. The area is too hot. Caution and above all keep an eye on anything
Maybe the city has something good to offer
James Hoey on Dec 13, 2022:
I lived in Cali many years ago, married and raised a family, let when things got too dangerous to put up with. When I first lived there , the best quality beef was 7 pesos per kilo. Today? Ni para que decir! Back then, Cali was a very livable city of about 200,000. The Feria de Cali was the best in the nation. People worked long hours, but relaxed and enjoyed themselves on weekends. Life was sweet! I understand that all that has changed, and not for the better. I consider myself fortunate to have lived there when Cali was at its best! My two sons are now in their 50's. One just returned from a short visit to Cale, saw a few friends from back in the day, and came home disappointed with what Cali has become. He said he recognized nothing, that everything had changed. That's life, I guess...