Prices by City

One-way Ticket
(Local Transport)
Monthly Pass
(Regular Price)
Cape Town, South Africa1.0945.11
Abidjan, Ivory Coast0.8240.86
Algiers, Algeria0.2910.88
Johannesburg, South Africa1.9182.01
Harare, Zimbabwe1.0041.00
Tunis, Tunisia0.1914.42
Casablanca, Morocco0.7023.07
Rabat, Morocco0.5025.08
Nairobi, Kenya0.7734.66

Last Update: June 19, 2024 11:24 AM, CDT
Data Source: Numbeo contributors and official sources
Based on data collected within the last 12 months.

Chart: One-way Ticket (Local Transport), Transportation
Chart: Monthly Pass (Regular Price), Transportation