Traffic in Liechtenstein

There are no much data for Liechtenstein. We'd like to get more contributors for a better data reliability.

Do you live in Liechtenstein? Add data for Liechtenstein

Main Means of Transportation to Work or School

Working from Home 100.00%
Walking 0.00%
Car 0.00%
Bicycle 0.00%
Motorcycle 0.00%
Bus/Trolleybus 0.00%
Tram/Streetcar 0.00%
Train/Metro 0.00%

Overall Average Travel Time and Distance to Work (School)

Distance 0.00 km
Overall 0.00 min

Contributors: 1

Last update: May 2016

These data are based on perceptions of visitors of this website in the past 5 years.

Our data for each country are based on all entries from all cities in that country.

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