Quality of Life in Varadero, Cuba

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Purchasing Power Index 21.88   Very Low
Safety Index 89.39   Very High
Health Care Index 65.97   High
Climate Index 91.80   Very High
Cost of Living Index 42.12   Low
Property Price to Income Ratio 5.38   Low
Traffic Commute Time Index 51.12   High
Pollution Index 92.53   Very High
ƒ Quality of Life Index: 113.60   Low

Minimum contributors for an underlying section: 2

Maximum contributors for an underlying section: 7

Last update: July 2024

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3 Comments so far
Anonymous on Mar 16, 2024:
The beach there is a beauty to behold and has to be seen to believe.
Anonymous on Mar 16, 2024:
Yes it is true that Varadero, Cuba has a dark side but visiting has its ups and downs since it is very safe with it’s low crime rate especially in the tourist area and has an outstanding climate that warms you up like your wrapped around in a thick blanket. Everything there is cheap and I wouldn’t be surprised if it is true that over here they have the cheapest housing in Cuba. It is probably a bad city to live on a worldwide scale but it is the best city to live for the country’s standards. Also on top of this the health care is quite good compared to the rest of Cuba since they even have doctors offices in their hotels which will gladly give you examinations, proper diagnosis and medicine if you as for it and are willing to pay less than $50 United States Dollars.
Anonymous on Mar 16, 2024:
The air there smells like chlorine due to all the old cars and you can see the fumes in the air caused by air pollution while driving. When you arrive there by plane from another country you are then treated to the not so fresh air after sensing something is off by seeing a factory in the background of the city through a plane window. It also very poor since nearly 90% of the people who live there are in extreme poverty and there has been a shortage in basic necessities such as food, water, fuel and medicine. The tap water is also unsafe to drink unless boiled or filtered so you should drink bottled water instead and the food is parasitic due to the city having a fly infestation which has caused a parasitic infection known as leishmaniasis which is mainly present in you guessed it poorer areas with weak housing and malnutrition such as Africa, Asia, Middle East and Latin America. So yes the quality of life is quite low in Varadero, Cuba.