Quality of Life in Lakhdaria, Algeria

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1 Comments so far
Mimi on Nov 24, 2021:
Lakhdaria is a town (also known as Palestro by the locals ) , in northern Algeria, in the Bouïra Province. It is located 50 miles south east of Algiers. It is surrounded by the Kabylie mountains, and by a 3 miles long river named oued Isser, passing by rocky mountains called the grottoes of Lakhdaria. In terms of occupations , people mainly work in the primary and secondary sector jobs such as construction , transportation, and farming . Yet many citizens of Lakhdaria leave jobs outside the town in nearby urban cities such as Algeirs and Boumerdes . The quality of life is not comparable to developed countries/cities yet in comparison to other cities in Bouria, living is average . The cost of living is very cheap however not quality . There are a few primary and secondary schools scattered around the town however no university is accessible (Young adults attend universities outside the town ) . The main mean of transport includes cars , Cocsina (mini bus type car ), and buses which creates lots of traffic congestion due to the narrow roads and expanding population and neighboring citizen workers and road users coming to Lakhdaria for work or to pass through to main roads . The city can work on reducing pollution in the roads and town through teaching citizens to not litter . Overall I would rate the quality of living a 4/10 as it has so much room for development both construction wise and society opportunities/services .