Property Prices in Botswana

Index Info
Price to Income Ratio: 142.11
Mortgage as Percentage of Income: 1,687.13%
Loan Affordability Index: 0.06
Price to Rent Ratio - City Centre: 17.95
Price to Rent Ratio - Outside of Centre: 1,014.80
Gross Rental Yield (City Centre): 5.57%
Gross Rental Yield (Outside of Centre): 0.10%
Rent Per Month
Edit Range
Apartment (1 bedroom) in City Centre 2,987.50 P 2,300.00-4,000.00
Apartment (1 bedroom) Outside of Centre 1,886.67 P 1,500.00-2,500.00
Apartment (3 bedrooms) in City Centre 6,964.42 P 4,500.00-10,000.00
Apartment (3 bedrooms) Outside of Centre 4,882.35 P 3,500.00-8,000.00
Buy Apartment Price
Price per Square Feet to Buy Apartment in City Centre 1,231.59 P 464.51-4,645.11
Price per Square Feet to Buy Apartment Outside of Centre 46,451.13 P 27,870.68-65,031.59
Salaries And Financing
Average Monthly Net Salary (After Tax) 9,029.17 P
Mortgage Interest Rate in Percentages (%), Yearly, for 20 Years Fixed-Rate 10.37 7.50-15.00

These data are based on 128 entries in the past 18 months from 25 different contributors.
Last update: July 2024
Our data for each country are based on all entries from all cities in that country.

Sources and References
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