Health Care in Brossard, Canada

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1 Comments so far
Dominique Fortin on Jun 28, 2023:
one thing people have to understand is that yes, in theory health care is free...if you mean that you dont get a bill when you go to see a doctor, and if unemployed or still in school (not paying taxes) it is...BUT if you are working, and live in the province of Quebec, according to the revenu Quebec website, you actually pay about 10% of your income for medical services (average of 20% quebec tax, 45% of that 20% is in theory for hospital and medical welfare card, that you use for "free" medical care) so if you are making around 100K a year, medical care whether you use it or not, is in fact 10K a year, and even though healthcare in Canada is not so good, in Quebec it is basically non existant, i was told for an "emergency" it would be 6 month to see a doctor...then 1 to 2 years before it is taken care of...if you want medical care that makes sense, you need to go to a private clinic with a yearly cost and a cost every visit, around 100% so if you are sick and need to get medical help on top of the money you pay on your taxes every years, you need to pay for a private clinic if you want to actually see a Doctor. they have a waiting list for a familly doctor, i have been on it for 8 years, even if i am what they call a priority patient due to my medical no nothing is free, and if you actually look at it, Canada on a lesser scale, but Quebec has one of the most expensive healthcare in the world (my personal cost is about 1500$ a month, and yes i do have a medical condition)