Food Prices in Tamale, Ghana

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Recommended Minimum Amount of Money for food (2400 calories, Western food types)

Milk (regular), (0.25 liter) ?
Loaf of Fresh White Bread (125.00 g) ?
Rice (white), (0.10 kg) ?
Eggs (regular) (2.40) ?
Local Cheese (0.10 kg) ?
Chicken Fillets (0.15 kg) ?
Beef Round (0.15 kg) (or Equivalent Back Leg Red Meat) ?
Apples (0.30 kg) ?
Banana (0.25 kg) ?
Oranges (0.30 kg) ?
Tomato (0.20 kg) ?
Potato (0.20 kg) ?
Onion (0.10 kg) ?
Lettuce (0.20 head) ?
Daily recommended minimum amount of money for food per person?
Monthly recommended minimum amount of money for food per person
(assuming 31 days per month)

Recommended Minimum Amount of Money for food (2400 calories, Asian food types)

Loaf of Fresh White Bread (50.00 g) ?
Rice (white), (0.25 kg) ?
Eggs (regular) (2.40) ?
Chicken Fillets (0.20 kg) ?
Beef Round (0.10 kg) (or Equivalent Back Leg Red Meat) ?
Apples (0.25 kg) ?
Banana (0.25 kg) ?
Oranges (0.15 kg) ?
Tomato (0.20 kg) ?
Potato (0.20 kg) ?
Onion (0.10 kg) ?
Lettuce (0.10 head) ?
Daily recommended minimum amount of money for food per person?
Monthly recommended minimum amount of money for food per person
(assuming 31 days per month)

Food prices

Edit Range
Milk (regular), (1 gallon) ?
Loaf of Fresh White Bread (1 lb) ?
Rice (white), (1 lb) ?
Eggs (regular) (12) ?
Local Cheese (1 lb) ?
Chicken Fillets (1 lb) ?
Beef Round (1 lb) (or Equivalent Back Leg Red Meat) ?
Apples (1 lb) ?
Banana (1 lb) ?
Oranges (1 lb) ?
Tomato (1 lb) ?
Potato (1 lb) ?
Onion (1 lb) ?
Lettuce (1 head) ?
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2 Comments so far
Moro Adams on Sep 04, 2022:
Want to know prices of cereals. Eg
Beans, Rice, groundnut
Anonymous on Jul 12, 2021:
Local food market in the town of our city of tamale a shopping center market I have a friend who's in dire straits needing assistance no money coming in so I need to know closest market to her so she can get some food in tamale