Food Prices in Nakuru, Kenya

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Recommended Minimum Amount of Money for food (2400 calories, Western food types)

Milk (regular), (0.25 liter) 16.25 KSh
Loaf of Fresh White Bread (125.00 g) 15.83 KSh
Rice (white), (0.10 kg) 14.67 KSh
Eggs (regular) (2.40) 34.93 KSh
Local Cheese (0.10 kg) 100.00 KSh
Chicken Fillets (0.15 kg) 114.67 KSh
Beef Round (0.15 kg) (or Equivalent Back Leg Red Meat) 82.50 KSh
Apples (0.30 kg) 67.50 KSh
Banana (0.25 kg) 13.75 KSh
Oranges (0.30 kg) 66.65 KSh
Tomato (0.20 kg) 15.00 KSh
Potato (0.20 kg) 10.00 KSh
Onion (0.10 kg) 7.00 KSh
Lettuce (0.20 head) 15.46 KSh
Daily recommended minimum amount of money for food per person574.22 KSh
Monthly recommended minimum amount of money for food per person
(assuming 31 days per month)
17,800.79 KSh

Recommended Minimum Amount of Money for food (2400 calories, Asian food types)

Loaf of Fresh White Bread (50.00 g) 6.33 KSh
Rice (white), (0.25 kg) 36.67 KSh
Eggs (regular) (2.40) 34.93 KSh
Chicken Fillets (0.20 kg) 152.90 KSh
Beef Round (0.10 kg) (or Equivalent Back Leg Red Meat) 55.00 KSh
Apples (0.25 kg) 56.25 KSh
Banana (0.25 kg) 13.75 KSh
Oranges (0.15 kg) 33.33 KSh
Tomato (0.20 kg) 15.00 KSh
Potato (0.20 kg) 10.00 KSh
Onion (0.10 kg) 7.00 KSh
Lettuce (0.10 head) 7.73 KSh
Daily recommended minimum amount of money for food per person428.89 KSh
Monthly recommended minimum amount of money for food per person
(assuming 31 days per month)
13,295.55 KSh

Food prices

Edit Range
Milk (regular), (1 gallon) 246.05 KSh 227.12-605.67
Loaf of Fresh White Bread (1 lb) 57.46 KSh 49.90-113.40
Rice (white), (1 lb) 66.53 KSh 54.43-151.05
Eggs (regular) (12) 174.67 KSh 156.00-324.00
Local Cheese (1 lb) 453.59 KSh 272.16-1,814.37
Chicken Fillets (1 lb) 346.77 KSh 204.12-510.75
Beef Round (1 lb) (or Equivalent Back Leg Red Meat) 249.48 KSh 204.12-408.23
Apples (1 lb) 102.06 KSh 45.36-204.12
Banana (1 lb) 24.95 KSh 22.68-90.72
Oranges (1 lb) 100.78 KSh 45.36-244.49
Tomato (1 lb) 34.02 KSh 22.68-90.72
Potato (1 lb) 22.68 KSh 22.68-90.72
Onion (1 lb) 31.75 KSh 27.22-103.87
Lettuce (1 head) 77.28 KSh 40.00-120.00

Last update: May 2024
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1 Comments so far
Rod on Oct 16, 2020:
Can you confirm that food bought EACH DAY per adult would cost 2000 shillings? I am told that my friend in Nakuru is shopping at the shopping Mall there - and it seems she is buying all vegetables, no meat - but the cost seems to be around 10,000 shillings PER 5 DAYS. ?????? For example she says that milk for her baby each day - cost 500 shillings at a small store near her house. ????????? It seems to me that 10,000 shillings a week for food, and a taxi there and back (1000 shillings each day total) - is above the usual cost for this lady..???? WHAT should it cost for her to buy vegetables each day.....a liter of milk for her 2 year old, taxi that costs 1000 total once a week as she goes shopping every 6 days for her and a 2 year old, and a 12 year old boy. IS THIS REASONABLE ? Asante Sana from a 10 year tourist to Kenya

Rod Lahay (