Crime in Wroclaw, Poland

Crime rates in Wroclaw, Poland

Level of crime
24.21 Low
Crime increasing in the past 3 years
46.91 Moderate
Worries home broken and things stolen
25.02 Low
Worries being mugged or robbed
25.02 Low
Worries car stolen
25.33 Low
Worries things from car stolen
30.97 Low
Worries attacked
28.55 Low
Worries being insulted
30.70 Low
Worries being subject to a physical attack because of your skin color, ethnic origin, gender or religion
31.01 Low
Problem people using or dealing drugs
29.36 Low
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft
42.40 Moderate
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery
16.96 Very Low
Problem corruption and bribery
40.53 Moderate

Safety in Wroclaw, Poland

Safety walking alone during daylight
82.42 Very High
Safety walking alone during night
60.22 High

Contributors: 252

Last update: April 2024

These data are based on perceptions of visitors of this website in the past 3 years.

If the value is 0, it means it is perceived as very low, and if the value is 100, it means it is perceived as very high.

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3 Comments so far
Jim on Jul 06, 2023:
"Poor country that targets Americans to break into their flats to steal things that can not afford or know to purchase in Craców Poland. Not a safe place to life. Building security and door man can not be trusted."

I'm sorry to hear if you've had such an experience. However, it's important not to generalize.
Incidentally, your comment refers to Krakow, but this is a page about Wroclaw.
Anonymous on Mar 17, 2022:
Very safe place to leave. Accidentally you can me scammed on the main square (if you are a naive tourist) but nothing else.
Anon on Jun 11, 2021:
The only real worry is the scammers in the old town. There are young boys who will harass you to buy a rose and become very agitated when you refuse. They will follow you, yell at you, and shove the rose in your face. I was there a few months back and was assaulted by one of these boys. I refused to buy a rose and had it shoved in my face so I shoved it back, prompting the boy to hit me.