Cost of Living Estimator in Weston-super-Mare, United Kingdom

Use this tool to calculate allowance or adjustment if relocating to Weston-super-Mare, United Kingdom. To get more information about prices displayed on this page, please visit Cost of Living in Weston-super-Mare.

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Currency: Sticky Currency

Members of your household:

Eating lunch or dinner in restaurants: of the time

When eating in restaurants, you are choosing inexpensive restaurants: of the time

Drinking Coffee outside of your home:

Going out (cinema, nightlife, etc.):

Smoking (household overall): packs of cigarettes per day

Alcoholic beverages (consume):

At home, we are eating: food

Driving car:

Taking Taxi:

Paying for public transport tickets:

Sport Memberships:

Vacation and Travel:

Buying Clothing and Shoes :


Number of your children going to kindergarten:

Number of your children going to the private school:

Select another city to see an estimate:
Restaurants 530.58 £
Meal, Inexpensive Restaurant 15.00 £ x 8.6800000 = 130.20 £
McMeal at McDonalds (or Equivalent Combo Meal) 7.00 £ x 3.7200000 = 26.04 £
Meal for 2 People, Mid-range Restaurant, Three-course 45.00 £ x 6.2000000 = 279.00 £
Domestic Beer (1 pint draught) 4.50 £ x 1.5500000 = 6.98 £
Imported Beer (12 oz small bottle) 4.97 £ x 1.5500000 = 7.71 £
Coke/Pepsi (12 oz small bottle) 1.29 £ x 4.6500000 = 5.99 £
Water (12 oz small bottle) 1.02 £ x 4.6500000 = 4.73 £
Cappuccino (regular) 2.82 £ x 24.8000000 = 69.94 £
Going out 132.29 £
Cinema, International Release, 1 Seat 9.00 £ x 8.4000000 = 75.60 £
Domestic Beer (1 pint draught) 4.50 £ x 1.0500000 = 4.73 £
Imported Beer (12 oz small bottle) 4.97 £ x 1.0500000 = 5.22 £
Coke/Pepsi (12 oz small bottle) 1.29 £ x 3.1500000 = 4.06 £
Water (12 oz small bottle) 1.02 £ x 3.1500000 = 3.20 £
Cappuccino (regular) 2.82 £ x 14.0000000 = 39.48 £
Cigarettes 0.00 £
Cigarettes 20 Pack (Marlboro) 12.00 £ x 0.0000000 = 0.00 £
Food at Home 584.05 £
Milk (regular), (1 gallon) 3.29 £ x 7.6433765 = 25.17 £
Loaf of Fresh White Bread (1 lb) 0.85 £ x 31.8935027 = 27.20 £
Rice (white), (1 lb) 0.49 £ x 25.5148021 = 12.44 £
Eggs (regular) (12) 2.60 £ x 23.1466667 = 60.18 £
Local Cheese (1 lb) 1.92 £ x 25.5148021 = 49.10 £
Chicken Fillets (1 lb) 2.64 £ x 38.2722032 = 100.86 £
Beef Round (1 lb) (or Equivalent Back Leg Red Meat) 2.72 £ x 38.2722032 = 104.16 £
Apples (1 lb) 0.64 £ x 76.5444064 = 48.96 £
Banana (1 lb) 0.50 £ x 63.7870053 = 32.06 £
Oranges (1 lb) 0.57 £ x 76.5444064 = 43.40 £
Tomato (1 lb) 0.79 £ x 51.0296043 = 40.51 £
Potato (1 lb) 0.36 £ x 51.0296043 = 18.13 £
Onion (1 lb) 0.36 £ x 25.5148021 = 9.23 £
Lettuce (1 head) 0.55 £ x 23.1466667 = 12.65 £
Drinks at Home 35.68 £
Domestic Beer (0.5 liter bottle) 2.04 £ x 5.1190476 = 10.44 £
Imported Beer (12 oz small bottle) 2.93 £ x 1.0238095 = 3.00 £
Bottle of Wine (Mid-Range) 6.99 £ x 0.7678571 = 5.37 £
Water (1.5 liter bottle) 0.56 £ x 30.0000000 = 16.88 £
Car and Gasoline 0.00 £
Gasoline (1 gallon) 5.38 £ x 0.0000000 = 0.00 £
Volkswagen Golf 1.4 90 KW Trendline (Or Equivalent New Car) 25,600.00 £ x 0.0000000 = 0.00 £
Public Transport and Taxi 374.00 £
Taxi Start (Normal Tariff) 3.00 £ x 0.0000000 = 0.00 £
Taxi 1 mile (Normal Tariff) 2.08 £ x 0.0000000 = 0.00 £
Taxi 1hour Waiting (Normal Tariff) 14.40 £ x 0.0000000 = 0.00 £
One-way Ticket (Local Transport) 2.20 £ x 0.0000000 = 0.00 £
Monthly Pass (Regular Price) 93.50 £ x 4.0000000 = 374.00 £
Leisure and Sport Memberships 265.00 £
Fitness Club, Monthly Fee for 1 Adult 54.25 £ x 4.0000000 = 217.00 £
Tennis Court Rent (1 Hour on Weekend) 12.00 £ x 4.0000000 = 48.00 £
Vacation and Travel (Monthly Approximate Amount) 0.00 £
Utilities 263.67 £
Basic (Electricity, Heating, Cooling, Water, Garbage) for 915 sq ft Apartment 214.00 £ x 1.0000000 = 214.00 £
Mobile Phone Monthly Plan with Calls and 10GB+ Data 7.00 £ x 4.0000000 = 28.00 £
Internet (60 Mbps or More, Unlimited Data, Cable/ADSL) 21.67 £ x 1.0000000 = 21.67 £
Clothing and Shoes 83.00 £
1 Pair of Jeans (Levis 501 Or Similar) 50.00 £ x 0.4000000 = 20.00 £
1 Summer Dress in a Chain Store (Zara, H&M, ...) 33.75 £ x 0.4000000 = 13.50 £
1 Pair of Nike Running Shoes (Mid-Range) 73.00 £ x 0.4000000 = 29.20 £
1 Pair of Men Leather Business Shoes 50.75 £ x 0.4000000 = 20.30 £
Rent 0.00 £
Childcare and School Fees 0.00 £
Preschool (or Kindergarten), Full Day, Private, Monthly for 1 Child 1,166.67 £ x 0.0000000 = 0.00 £
International Primary School, Yearly for 1 Child 13,500.00 £ x 0.0000000 = 0.00 £
Other Goods and Services 175.56 £
Household Supplies, approximation using (Groceries index + 20) / 100.0 x 20EUR x 4 family members 46.98 £
Electronics, approximation using 30.0EUR * (household members + 1) formula 93.00 £
Other, approximation using Cost of Living Plus Rent Index 35.58 £
The overall estimate of monthly spending* 2,443.82 £

* Our estimator doesn't include insurance, health-related expenses, parking fees, or domestic help. It doesn't take into calculations income tax.

Use this tool to calculate allowance or adjustment if relocating to Weston-super-Mare, United Kingdom. To get more information about prices displayed on this page, please visit Cost of Living in Weston-super-Mare.
Cost of Living Tools for Weston-super-Mare: Basket Analysis | Cost of living Estimator | Historical Data | Price Rankings