Food Prices in Anchorage, AK, United States

Recommended Minimum Amount of Money for food (2400 calories, Western food types)

Milk (regular), (0.25 liter) 26.33 руб
Loaf of Fresh White Bread (125.00 g) 94.80 руб
Rice (white), (0.10 kg) 43.04 руб
Eggs (regular) (2.40) 63.10 руб
Local Cheese (0.10 kg) 103.88 руб
Chicken Fillets (0.15 kg) 274.35 руб
Beef Round (0.15 kg) (or Equivalent Back Leg Red Meat) 286.51 руб
Apples (0.30 kg) 171.73 руб
Banana (0.25 kg) 47.08 руб
Oranges (0.30 kg) 189.68 руб
Tomato (0.20 kg) 136.65 руб
Potato (0.20 kg) 29.76 руб
Onion (0.10 kg) 28.40 руб
Lettuce (0.20 head) 52.36 руб
Daily recommended minimum amount of money for food per person1,547.69 руб
Monthly recommended minimum amount of money for food per person
(assuming 31 days per month)
47,978.41 руб

Recommended Minimum Amount of Money for food (2400 calories, Asian food types)

Loaf of Fresh White Bread (50.00 g) 37.92 руб
Rice (white), (0.25 kg) 107.59 руб
Eggs (regular) (2.40) 63.10 руб
Chicken Fillets (0.20 kg) 365.80 руб
Beef Round (0.10 kg) (or Equivalent Back Leg Red Meat) 191.01 руб
Apples (0.25 kg) 143.11 руб
Banana (0.25 kg) 47.08 руб
Oranges (0.15 kg) 94.84 руб
Tomato (0.20 kg) 136.65 руб
Potato (0.20 kg) 29.76 руб
Onion (0.10 kg) 28.40 руб
Lettuce (0.10 head) 26.18 руб
Daily recommended minimum amount of money for food per person1,271.45 руб
Monthly recommended minimum amount of money for food per person
(assuming 31 days per month)
39,415.05 руб

Food prices

Edit Range
Milk (regular), (1 gallon) 398.65 руб 350.63-740.12
Loaf of Fresh White Bread (1 lb) 344.00 руб 258.12-462.58
Rice (white), (1 lb) 195.21 руб 156.35-230.36
Eggs (regular) (12) 315.48 руб 202.61-393.19
Local Cheese (1 lb) 471.21 руб 369.14-647.61
Chicken Fillets (1 lb) 829.63 руб 304.37-1,480.24
Beef Round (1 lb) (or Equivalent Back Leg Red Meat) 866.40 руб 322.88-1,155.51
Apples (1 lb) 259.66 руб 138.77-322.88
Banana (1 lb) 85.42 руб 80.49-165.60
Oranges (1 lb) 286.80 руб 184.11-351.56
Tomato (1 lb) 309.93 руб 211.86-462.58
Potato (1 lb) 67.51 руб 54.58-92.52
Onion (1 lb) 128.83 руб 55.51-202.61
Lettuce (1 head) 261.82 руб 211.86-277.54
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1 Comments so far
Jason Rowe on May 27, 2022:
The prices for Alaska are not up to date. In fact I have lived here 10 years and they haven't been that low since I arrived. Lettuce a head 6.50 not .50 apples cost 3 dollars a piece not lb. White bread at the cheapest cost 6.00 not 1.12. and 16.00 a day per person?
I myself and many other people use this information when moving to a new city or town and rely on this information to get a clear understanding of the cost of living. Our move was contingent on this information and it is way off.