Southern Europe: Traffic Index by Country 2021 Mid-Year

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Chart: Traffic Index
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Traffic Index
Time Index
(in minutes)
Time Exp. Index
Inefficiency Index
CO2 Emission Index
Greece 134.1 34.0 421.2 143.6 4569.9
Italy 132.8 34.0 431.6 160.1 4262.6
Portugal 110.3 29.3 82.9 119.1 3712.5
Serbia 109.9 30.8 147.8 122.2 3127.8
Spain 106.9 29.3 81.5 128.5 3283.0
Slovenia 101.7 26.9 32.9 142.4 3262.8
Croatia 100.3 28.1 49.2 101.6 3045.1
North Macedonia 92.6 26.9 32.6 100.2 2497.5
Bosnia And Herzegovina 89.5 25.9 26.6 68.6 2521.3