Europe: Mortgage As A Percentage Of Income by Country 2022 Mid-Year

Chart: Mortgage as Percentage of Income
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Mortgage As A Percentage Of Income
Belarus 337.1
Russia 205.8
Albania 123.8
Czech Republic 108.8
Serbia 106.1
Luxembourg 84.3
Poland 111.8
Montenegro 108.7
Hungary 113.5
Croatia 92.0
Portugal 79.6
Malta 95.2
North Macedonia 100.3
Lithuania 76.6
Greece 90.1
Slovakia 69.4
France 68.5
Kosovo (Disputed Territory) 93.1
Slovenia 74.5
Ukraine 176.7
Romania 94.2
Italy 65.3
Austria 65.8
Moldova 113.6
Germany 63.7
Bosnia And Herzegovina 72.4
Estonia 62.7
Bulgaria 65.5
Sweden 58.6
Switzerland 51.1
United Kingdom 53.5
Norway 50.8
Latvia 49.1
Finland 43.2
Spain 46.7
Netherlands 44.6
Ireland 47.9
Iceland 54.8
Belgium 39.1
Denmark 36.9