Affordability Index by Country 2021 Mid-Year

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Chart: Affordability Index

You are looking at Property Prices Index by country 2021 Mid-Year. These indexes are historical and they are published periodically.
It's a snapshot of the current indexes at a specific point in time.

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Affordability Index
Ghana 0.0
Syria 0.1
Hong Kong 0.3
Cambodia 0.2
Sri Lanka 0.2
Jamaica 0.3
Iran 0.1
Philippines 0.3
China 0.4
Kenya 0.2
Argentina 0.1
South Korea 0.6
Nepal 0.4
Taiwan 0.8
Indonesia 0.4
Thailand 0.6
Vietnam 0.5
Peru 0.5
Uruguay 0.5
Armenia 0.4
Chile 0.8
Algeria 0.6
Singapore 0.9
Azerbaijan 0.5
Colombia 0.5
Uzbekistan 0.3
Belarus 0.4
Brazil 0.6
Serbia 0.9
Russia 0.6
Bangladesh 0.6
Paraguay 0.5
Guatemala 0.7
El Salvador 0.6
Venezuela 0.3
Montenegro 0.8
Georgia 0.5
Poland 0.9
Malta 1.0
Nigeria 0.4
Albania 0.9
Czech Republic 1.2
Pakistan 0.5
Croatia 1.0
Afghanistan 0.6
Ecuador 0.6
Dominican Republic 0.6
Luxembourg 1.3
Portugal 1.2
Morocco 1.0
Israel 1.1
Egypt 0.6
Kuwait 0.9
North Macedonia 1.0
Lebanon 0.9
Moldova 0.8
Slovenia 1.3
Japan 1.5
Tunisia 0.8
Panama 1.1
Ukraine 0.5
Slovakia 1.6
Bosnia And Herzegovina 1.2
Austria 1.5
Mexico 0.7
India 0.9
Mongolia 0.8
Kosovo (Disputed Territory) 1.2
Hungary 1.2
Lithuania 1.5
Romania 1.2
Costa Rica 0.9
France 1.7
Honduras 0.8
Malaysia 1.3
Greece 1.4
Kazakhstan 0.7
United Kingdom 1.6
Estonia 1.7
Spain 1.7
Bolivia 1.1
Germany 1.9
Iraq 1.0
Italy 1.9
Turkey 0.7
Finland 2.0
Bulgaria 1.7
Latvia 1.9
Switzerland 2.1
Norway 1.9
Trinidad And Tobago 1.5
Jordan 1.3
Bahrain 1.4
New Zealand 1.8
Sweden 2.0
Netherlands 2.2
Australia 1.9
Canada 2.0
Belgium 2.4
Denmark 2.4
Ireland 2.2
Cyprus 2.4
Qatar 2.1
Iceland 2.0
Oman 2.4
Palestine 2.2
United Arab Emirates 3.0
Puerto Rico 3.1
United States 3.4
South Africa 2.6
Saudi Arabia 5.1