America: Price Rankings by Country of Monthly Pass (Regular Price) (Transportation)

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Chart: Monthly Pass (Regular Price), Transportation
1. Canada 103.87 S$
2. United States 94.36 S$
3. Uruguay 63.02 S$
4. Chile 59.80 S$
5. Brazil 59.41 S$
6. Costa Rica 56.99 S$
7. Jamaica 56.20 S$
8. Colombia 50.42 S$
9. Venezuela 40.44 S$
10. Mexico 40.39 S$
11. Panama 33.70 S$
12. Bolivia 31.22 S$
13. Ecuador 26.96 S$
14. Cuba 26.96 S$
15. Peru 22.55 S$
16. Argentina 20.22 S$