South-Eastern Asia: Price Rankings by City of Meal, Inexpensive Restaurant (Restaurants)

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Chart: Meal, Inexpensive Restaurant, Restaurants
1. Singapore, Singapore 11.07 $
2. Manila, Philippines 5.21 $
3. Phnom Penh, Cambodia 5.00 $
4. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 4.18 $
5. Phuket, Thailand 4.10 $
6. Cebu, Philippines 3.91 $
7. Quezon City, Philippines 3.47 $
8. Pattaya, Thailand 2.74 $
9. Bangkok, Thailand 2.74 $
10. Bali, Indonesia 2.65 $
11. Penang, Malaysia 2.53 $
12. Jakarta, Indonesia 2.18 $
13. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 1.96 $
14. Hanoi, Vietnam 1.96 $
15. Chiang Mai, Thailand 1.64 $
16. Bandung, Indonesia 1.56 $