Improve token number 29134 Translation to Portuguese at


<h3>Data Archiving Policy</h3>

Cost of living section uses data entered in the last 12 months ago (in a special case, when there are very low number of entries in a city
and the indicators suggest that inflation in a country is low, we use entries as old as 18 months because we think that those data might
not be changed if no one did edit existing data). Other sections which use the same data set uses the same data archiving policy.

<p>Note that some other sections of the website use different data archiving policies. Each month, old data are moved to archives and can be pulled with our API.

<h3>Cartographic Policy</h3>

Our cartographic policy is of portraying the world from a de facto point of view; that is, to portray to the best of our judgment the current reality.
Our partners might have different cartographic policy which could be reflected in software at our website.